Copywriting pitch advice

I want, I want, I want

We’re a copywriting agency that spends it days working with words, exploring their meaning. If you’re sending a speculative email, think about what you can do for us and our clients, not what we can do for you…

We write things for a living. For some people, writing all day, every day is a dream job, something they’ve harboured an ambition for since childhood and an all pervading passion that dominates their waking lives (we’ve been told these things in emails).

That’s fantastic, but in our industry, it’s professionalism – not passion – that will see you succeed. Here’s why…

If you contact us for a job, a healthy dose of enthusiasm is great. As we’ve written before, we don’t have many opportunities and when we do they usually go to our trusted bank of suppliers. But what we do promise to do is to read every one and save the ones that are genuinely useful to us.

Unfortunately, we see a number that follow a similar pattern. Here are some examples…

  • I’m a copywriter and I want a job
  • I’ve always wanted to be a copywriter and I’d love to work with you
  • I’m a copywriter who has selected you as an agency I want to work with
  • I’ve looked at your projects and I want to work with an agency that shares my passion for transformative projects
  • I’m a student and I want to do work experience

The unifying sentiment here is: I want.

Politely put, as a business, we don’t really care what you want. We care what you can do, how you can benefit us and the clients we work with.

If you’re going to write to us to apply for a freelance role then tell us why you’re the best writer in your field, why your clients love you and a bit about your story. Explain the value you can offer us and our clients.

If you are doing great work, then shout about it – but put it in some context. We need to know why you’re the go-to person for the kind of topics we cover (science, tech and healthcare).

Hopefully, if you’ve read this far you’ve found this blog helpful. We don’t want to discourage people from applying to agencies or sending speculative emails that could generate work.

If you take one thing from this blog, just take some time out to think. Before you click send think about the person receiving it and ensure it focuses on what you can give, not what you can take.

If you need a copywriter in Bristol or Bath, contact us today. We work with some of the best editors around, so don’t worry about any stupid mistakes. 

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