Start a copywriting agency with our step-by-step guide

Creating Copywriting Bristol

In this article, we will walk you through the process of creating a hyper-local business, providing lessons every business can learn to increase growth. Let’s start at the beginning…

One day, we wanted to test our skills and build a hyper-local digital marketing business, so we did. It’s called Copywriting Bristol, and it’s now recognised as the best low-cost, high-quality content and copywriting agency in the best city in the world (Bristol, obviously).

Why did you create a local copywriting agency?

42group is a leading content agency that delivers exceptional work for clients – and that costs money. We found that many potential customers were put off contacting us because they thought we’d be too expensive. In fact, the prices are broadly the same.

So why did we create Copywriting Bristol?

We wanted the challenge of building a hyperlocal digital marketing agency that’s targeted to a single customer segment. The results were better than we ever could have expected…

We’re going to walk you through the process of how we

Step #1        Identify your customers

42group is a highly successful content agency working with some of the world’s biggest brands. But we also love working with SMEs, start-ups, and other Bristol-based businesses that need copywriting and content support.

The problem was that we weren’t getting the enquiries – so we asked why.

The perception was that 42group was too expensive. That we wouldn’t want to work with local businesses and that we wouldn’t deliver value for money. They were also worried about the costs of working with an agency and wanted transparency on pricing.

There was no way for us to re-brand the 42group business to appeal to this client group, so we needed a new solution: Copywriting Bristol.

Alongside qualitative research into our customer base, we used keyword analysis to ensure there was enough search intent to run a business.

Our customer target group were:

  • Businesses in Bristol searching for copywriting and content support
  • A simple payment structure (charging by the hour or day)
  • Transparent pricing
  • A simple UX with multiple touchpoints
  • Appears on page 1 of Google and is optimised for search

Understanding our customers enables us to build a picture of who they are, what they want, and

It also enabled us to identify a key gap in the market. Content agencies and copywriting businesses can be exclusive with the terminology creating a barrier between customers and companies. We needed to avoid that, engaging customers on their own terms – so that’s what we did.

Pro tip: Everything starts and ends with your customers. Understanding their wants, needs, and paint points is critical to building any hyper-local businesses. Focus less on you and more on them.

Step #2        Choose a meaningful name

42group is a great name, but it takes some explaining. Hyper-local businesses benefit from a clear and simple name.

The solution: Copywriting Bristol

While Google may say that domain name has little impact on rankings, it’s simply not true.

Plus, our service offer is primarily focused on small businesses that want a simple solution – and so the name fits.

Pro tip: Hyper-local businesses need an easy-to-understand name. Don’t’ try to be too creative or esoteric, just be as simple and clear as possible.

Step #3        Develop a simple service offer

A list of services isn’t a service offer. A digital marketing service offer is what marks you out as different in the market.

We’re Google Partners, but that’s not enough. We’re hyper-local, which is unique, but it’s not enough. We create great quality work, but all agencies say that.

In the end, our USP was about price. We spoke with several small businesses, and they were all worried about prices. They considered that digital marketing, copywriting, and content would all cost too much – and we recognised that removing this barrier would help the business.

So, our service offer was built around total transparency on costs.

Instead of an opaque pricing structure, we offer all services at a fixed rate, and the response has been fantastic.

Are we losing out by doing so? In the end, our services are priced fairly for what we do.

Pro tip:           Even in a saturated market, try to offer something unique. Work with your customers to identify opportunities.

Step #4        Shape your UX

Every digital marketing agency should ensure their website exemplifies everything that’s great about your brand – which was our aim with Copywriting Bristol.

We created a site that was simple, bold, and easy to navigate. Page titles are easy to understand, with customer touchpoints at every step of the journey.

Testing and iterations helped us to build a UX that’s quick and easy, which is what time-poor business owners want.

Customers can submit an enquiry or give us a call in just two clicks.

Pro tip:           Hyper local customers want solutions, and they want them quickly – so ensure your UX is streamlined. One or two clicks from the homepage to an enquiry is ideal.

Step #5        Craft your copy

We’re a copywriting agency, so the words matter. We started by outlining our services and writing a lengthy description and then cut it back. And then cut some more. And cut even more…

We start with a question to put the reader at the heart of the experience. We know that visitors are goal-orientated and want a simple solution – and that’s what we do best.

We explain what we do and then push our service offer. Excellent copywriting at an affordable price.

Pro tip:           Make your content shaped around your customers. Create a conversation (or work with an agency like us to write it for you).

Step #6        Test, iterate, and refine your CTAs (and ads)

When we launched Copywriting Bristol, we created a series of Google Ads and tested CTAs. The ones that worked to drag customers through were then used on the website.

One issue we did have was that our initial ideas of creative CTAs almost always failed. In the end, sticking to simple, pain point-based CTAs were the most successful.

We optimised our CTAs so they were highly successful and then ran into a problem: our competitors began copying us.

So we went back to the drawing board and recreated everything. Even if you know you’re the originator of an idea, your potential customers won’t – so if it happens to you, then react immediately.

Pro tip:           Never rest with your CTAs. Always review success and optimise every idea.

Step #7        Build validation

Sitting at the top of the search engine results is critical (and we do), but hyper local customers want validation – and that’s based on Google Reviews.

OK, so we don’t have hundreds (yet) but in the beginning, this proved to be a huge boost for our business and improves our search engine performance. 

Pro tip:           Find the sources of information and influence that your customers trust and target them. Building validation is vital in boosting your business.

Step #8        Invest for the long-term

We created Copywriting Bristol in less than a month, all while running a successful small business. The process was quick, efficient, and fun – but we also invested in the long term.

Any online business takes time to establish itself. While we were already picking up customers a few weeks after pushing the site live (thanks PPC!), we’ve built up relationships with clients of all sizes and in a range of sectors.

Over time, we’ve refined our offer and targeted it more towards smaller businesses, charities, and third-sector businesses. We regularly work through content, editing and updating it as we’re going.

Does the website bring in enough enquiries to justify the investment? Absolutely – but it requires consistent work to maintain it.

Pro tip:           Starting any business is tough and it takes time to turn it into a success. Invest for the long term, do the basics right, and have faith!

Step #9        Offer clients the gold-standard service

Copywriting Bristol customers are paying the same price as 42group customers, and they deserve the same quality of outcomes.

That means expert writers delivering superior content that’s 100% bespoke (no AI here).

Whether you come through the 42group door or Copywriting Bristol, it’s the same team, the same approach, and the same outcome – customer-first content.

How to create a copywriting agency

We’ve walked you through the basic steps in creating your own copywriting agency. But this is our journey, you’re on your own.

In a world full of fake news, AI-generated content, and online junk, does the world need another copywriting agency that does the same stuff? No. So don’t follow our rules, rip them up and do something original – the market will thank you for it.

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